If you want to lose weight and look fantastic, we suggest that you consider gastric sleeve surgery. This restrictive weight loss technique reduces the number of calories you can eat in a single sitting to help long-lasting weight loss. The gastric sleeve is also one of the most common bariatric surgery choices at MayClinik. A variety of people have asked us about scarring after surgery on the gastric sleeve. Let’s take a look at how the operation is done. We can then provide recommendations on what can be done to minimize post-operative scarring.
Where Are Surgical Incisions Placed?
During the gastric sleeve, the extent and location of the scars depend on the type of operation performed.
- Laparoscopic Gastric Sleeve: The most common type of gastric sleeve surgery, a laparoscopic operation, means that three to five small incisions are made along the upper abdomen. Thanks to these small incisions, small surgical instruments may be used to reduce the size of the stomach.
- Single-Incision Gastric Sleeve: Single-incision gastric sleeves are procedures that require a single incision on the belly button. These forms of surgery are much more uncommon than the multi-incision technique.
Are the Post-Surgical Scars Visible?
In the case of conventional laparoscopic gastric sleeve surgery, tiny scars are slightly noticeable, but they disappear dramatically with time. They’re going to be hard to detect as they fade. For single-incision gastric sleeves, the scar is completely concealed within the belly button. This makes surgical scarring nearly undetectable.
How Long Does It Take for Scars to Fade?
As in most surgical healing, scars typically begin to disappear after surgery within a few months. More noticeable fading will take place as the years go by.
Follow Post-Op Instructions Carefully
To avoid unnecessary scarring, patients must follow all follow-up care instructions closely. The MayClinik team will provide detailed instructions on hygiene, sun exposure, diet, and physical activity. They can prevent significant complications and help ensure that the incisions heal and begin to fade earlier rather than later.
- Keep the Surgical Area Clean: Proper cleaning following surgery helps to avoid infection. Be sure to change the surgical dressings as instructed and follow the bathing and showering instructions in the first weeks after surgery.
- Avoid Smoking: Smoking slows down the healing process, making infections more likely. Consider bariatric surgery a good reason for dumping the habit for good. It’s a good new beginning to make you happier.
- Stay Hydrated: Dry skin can cause scarring and worse skin damage. That’s why staying hydrated is so critical. Drink water between meals and avoid caffeine, alcohol, and other dehydrating drugs.
- Moisturize After Showers: In terms of hydration, it’s a good idea to moisturize after showers and baths. This will help you keep your skin supple and smooth and help combat scarring as well as signs of advanced age.
- Avoid Sun Exposure: UV rays of the sun can damage the skin, leading to noticeable scars and other defects. To avoid these complications, make sure to use sunblock while you’re outside.
For more information on weight loss Turkey in a safe and fast way, be sure to contact our trusted bariatric surgeons and weight loss specialists. MayClinik family always here to help you!