Alcohol is a huge part of the culture of many countries, and many happy post-surgery patients may be tempted to have a few drinks with friends after having had plastic surgery— to celebrate the success of their surgery and show off their new look. Some patients can find that alcohol may ease their pain or help them sleep as they recover. If you have recently had plastic surgery and are thinking of getting alcohol after plastic surgery, think about the following:
Alcohol After Surgery Side Effects
Firstly, alcohol can cause swelling in the nose. It dilates the blood vessels and induces dehydration, causing the body to bloat. This lengthens the amount of time it takes for results to show and dehydration can make healing take longer. This is especially a concern for patients who have received rhinoplasty. Dehydration also means dry skin. Dry skin may increase the risk of scarring, may cause scratching and discomfort at the surgical site during healing, and may prolong the recovery period.
Dryness can also make the skin less elastic, making it more difficult for the surgeon to conduct surgery where the skin is stretched like lifts, abdominoplasty, and breast enlargement. Alcohol thins the blood, raises the risk of excessive bleeding during and after surgery, and takes longer to heal. Doctors normally recommend that patients avoid taking any blood thinner for a few weeks before and after surgery, and alcohol is no exception. Bleeding after the procedure can make patients more vulnerable to infection. Alcohol also opens up the blood vessels in the skin, which is the source of redness associated with intoxication. This takes the blood away from the organs and the surgical site, which is necessary for healing.
In contrast to common opinion, alcohol decreases pain tolerance, making recovery more uncomfortable. Also, alcohol can have harmful interactions with drugs prescribed for you after surgery. Although less serious side effects can include headaches, lack of balance, fainting, somnolence, nausea, and vomiting, side effects can be as extreme as trouble breathing, internal bleeding, and heart problems. When deciding between alcohol and painkillers following surgery, you would be much happier and more comfortable to take the drug recommended by your doctor.
Alcohol also improves the effects of sedatives, making it more difficult for an anesthesiologist to give you the correct dosage. Owing to the necessity of proper dosage of anesthesia, surgeons will also refuse to work with a patient who has previously consumed alcohol, but patients are also required to pay for the services they have used and may need to make a new appointment. Neglecting to tell the doctor and anesthesiologist about recently ingested alcohol can lead to a waking up or a painful feeling during surgery. Anesthesia leaves your body vulnerable to nausea, and alcohol just worsens the effect and makes you more vulnerable to vomiting. Vomiting strains surgical sites, especially those on the face and abdomen. This can lead to pain, stretching, and possibly bleeding.
After surgery, eating and drinking water is very necessary to make sure the body is fed and hydrated enough to recover. Nausea makes eating and drinking appear unappealing, and vomiting prevents the body from getting calories from what you eat. It can even dehydrate the body when you remove liquids.
Finally, the post-surgery drinks will lead to very real hangover. Drinking after cosmetic surgery blends only the normal effects of alcohol with typical pain and tiredness. To prevent any of these side effects, doctors generally recommend that you avoid alcohol for two weeks before and after surgery, depending on the type of surgery you are having. Speak to your cosmetic surgeon on how long you cannot drink alcohol and make sure you drink plenty of water during your appointment. Bear in mind that you are following your doctor’s orders for two very good reasons: you want to prevent complications, and you want to see better outcomes more quickly.